Monday, January 30, 2023

 Important dates in February:

Alien in-line      31st Jan. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th February

Feb. 8th    Folklofolie    Dance and musical instruments and wooden spoons, highlighting French culture.

Feb. 13th   Ash making. 

Teachers Convention     16th and 17th  No school for kids

Feb. 20th    Family Day    No school for kids

Feb. 22nd    Ash Wednesday   Liturgy at 10am

Feb. 23rd    Pizza lunch    Multicultural Spirit Day

Feb. 24th    Mardi Gras   Family Night

What we are doing in February:

French:   Reading Comprehension.   Literacy Centres: Students read a book in a group, present what happens in the beginning, middle and end, present main characters and reflect on new French words and expressions. This is an invaluable tool in building confidence in the child. The children will soon be introduced to story writing with an interesting beginning and end.

English:  We have completed our novel study of Lost In The North and we will begin another novel by the same author. Vocabulary words using Phonics will be ongoing. The children will soon be writing an interesting story using Picture Prompts. 

Math:  We are working on the addition and subtraction of three digit numbers. The children first practice reading the number in French, place them in ascending order and then represent the number in three different ways: drawing the number using hundreds, tens and units, using French words, centaine, dizaine, unite and breaking up the three digit number. 

Problem solving will be ongoing. Please do encourage your child to practice Zorbit's Math at home.

Science:  We are winding up our Hot and Cold Unit. We will continue to practice reading temperatures in a thermometer. We are continuing to learn how animals, birds and insects keep warm in winter.

Art:   February is Black History Month. We will explore both Indigenous and Black History Art this month

Social Studies:   The Economic Resources, goods and services in the three communities of Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan and a comparison with Alberta.

Health:  We have started our Unit on Nutrition. We are exploring the four food groups in French in the Canada Food Guide. We will make posters with slogans about healthy eating.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

 Important dates in January:

16th January    New Year Liturgy 

19th January       Report cards go home

26th January     Parent/Teacher Interviews    4 - 7:30pm

27th January     Parent/Teacher Interviews    9 - 11:30am     1-3pm

31st January      Alien -in-line speed skating begins

French:    Reading comprehension will be ongoing. The students will be introduced to story writing with a beginning, middle and end. They will be introduced to interesting adjectives and similes.

E.L.A.   Vocabulary and reflection questions of the novel study Lost In The North will be ongoing. The children will be given a picture prompt to write a short story with a beginning, middle and end. We will complete the booklet with adjectives and story endings this week. We have started our Phonics Unit yesterday and it helps kids who cannot read, to sound out letters and then build a word family. 

Math:  We are continuing with patterning and yesterday the kids got the chance to identify patterns that have illustrations, numbers and vocabulary words. It was a great test of their critical thinking skills. Adding and subtracting without regrouping is ongoing. Reading three digit numbers and demonstrating with manipulatives is ongoing.

Science:   The Hot and Cold Unit will continue till the end of the month. We might have an exciting culminating activity. I shall keep you posted. The children will learn how the thermos keeps liquids hot or cold. They will also learn about the insulation used in buildings and how animals and birds stay warm in winter.

Art:  We are integrating the Art project with our Science Unit. 

Social Studies: We will be looking at the natural resources, jobs as well as goods and services of Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon.