Tuesday, November 1, 2022

 Important dates in November:

November 1st     Faith Day    No school for the kids

November 2nd    Wellness Day

Week of 7th  -  10th     Scholastic Book  Fair

Nov. 9th    Remembrance Day Liturgy   10am

Nov. 9th    Parent/Teacher  Interviews   4pm  -  7: 30pm

Nov. 10th    Parent/Teacher Interviews   9am - 3pm

What we are doing this month:

Science:  We will continue with our Magnet Unit for another two weeks after which I will give the children a test.  I always discuss the test in detail with the kids so that they are comfortable and ready to write it. 

French:  We are doing reading comprehension and the children are learning how to answer in complete sentences. We will be completing our Halloween activities this week. 

English:  We have started our novel study of Charlotte's Web. The children are learning new vocabulary, making predictions and focussing on reflection questions. The kids are also working on a booklet adding interesting adjectives phrases.

Social Studies: We are continuing to learn about the language and culture of the three communities of Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan. 

Math:  We will start adding and subtracting with two digit numbers. Problem solving is ongoing. We are also working on the new curriculum called Mathologie. The kids are enjoying estimating and counting in different ways by skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's. Once the Zorbit Math website is up and running on Google Classroom, I will keep you informed.

Art: The kids have learned Zentangle Patterns and they are busy drawing and colouring a Remembrance Day Poem, "In Flanders Fields." Some children have started the good copy of the Pumpkin Seed Autumn Project. Once they have finished painting it, I will send you pictures.

Health:  The kids will be working on Wellness Day activities that Mme Wozny has shared in the St. Luke Weekly. 

Please continue to read with your child everyday and practice basic facts in Math with addition and subtraction.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

 Important Dates in October

7th October     Thanksgiving Liturgy at 1pm

10th    October   Thanksgiving     No school

What we are doing this month:

French:   Vocabulary, Making sentences,  Reading comprehension about Thanksgiving

Art:     Thanksgiving Art

Math:    Skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's continues.  Addition and subtraction till 100.  Mental Math strategies for doubles, doubles plus one and minus one.  Math vocabulary.  Problem solving.

Science:  We will soon be winding up the Spider Unit and starting the Unit on Magnets.

Social Studies:  The people, language and culture of the three communities in Canada, Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan.

Health:  We are learning to appreciate the healthy benefits of nutritional snacks and physical activity.

English:  We have started learning about word families and descriptive adjectives.

Music:  The kids have been practicing a variety of songs. We will soon focus on beat with Djembe drums.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

 Important dates for the month of September:

Monday the 5th: Labour Day     No school

21st Sept.  Opening Mass at St. Luke Church at 10am

23rd  Sept.: Parent-Teacher Conferences

30th Sept.   National Day for Truth and Reconciliation    No school

What we will be doing this month:

FLA:  We will be reviewing basic phonetic and more complex sounds to improve reading. There will be activities based on new words such as making sentences and word search. We will be reading simple texts in our daily Reading Comprehension activities.

 ELA:  Students will explore interesting adjectives based on picture prompts. They will learn vocabulary and listen to stories and make predictions.

Social Studies: The students will be using simple maps to locate the Acadian, Inuit and Prairie communities. They will be investigating how geography shapes and changes Canadian communities, by comparing the communities. 

Religion:  Our Faith Theme this year is Faith, Hope and Love abide and the greatest of these is Love. The children will work on All About Me and different prayers.

Science: The first Unit will be on Spiders. The children will learn to differentiate between spiders and insects, and they will learn the characteristics of different kinds of spiders.

Maths:  The children will work on Number Concepts and they will learn to recognize and apply numbers to 100. They will work on addition and subtraction, skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's and problem solving with personal strategies.

Health: The children will learn about making responsible and informed choices to promote safety for themselves and others with a special emphasis on the importance of social distancing and wearing masks.

ART:  The children will learn that Art can be made in different ways using a variety of colours

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

 Important dates in the month of June

2nd June 1pm       Sacramental Celebration

17th June       Field Trip at Heritage Park

21st June       Indigenous day

23rd      Pizza day

27th Sports Day

28th    Last Day of School

 29th    Organizational Day

French:      Reading Comprehension.   Story writing with an interesting beginning, middle and end, using adjectives, comparisons, punctuation and sentence structure.

English:  We are presently reading  the novel Race Against Time by Delia Dumont. We make predictions, review vocabulary and write our favorite part. Word families are ongoing. Story writing with an interesting beginning, middle and end, using adjectives, comparisons, punctuation and sentence structure.

Math:   We are doing exciting activities with Measurement. The kids learn about the importance of Estimation before Measurement. We will also be introducing fractions. Problem solving will be ongoing.

Science:  We are working on our new Unit about Small Crawling and Flying Animals. Yesterday the kids learned about the Life Cycle of a Butterfly. They also learned about the differences between a Butterfly and a Moth. 

Social Studies:   In preparation for our Field Trip to Heritage Park, we are starting our last Unit on Our Community in the Past and Present.

Health:  We will focus on Healthy Eating and Exercise. We hope that you are working on Frisbee Rob's Wellness Challenge.

Religion:  The Eucharist

Monday, May 2, 2022

 Important dates in the month of May:

Scholastic Book Fair in the Library    2nd - 6th May

Hats On for Mental Health     4th May

Frisbee Rob      4th May

Marian  Liturgy   Friday the 13th May at 1 pm

Professional Growth Day      20th May

Victoria Day      23rd  May

French Language Arts:   We will continue to work on story writing and reading comprehension. Thank you all so much for finding a French poem for your child. We enjoyed the presentations thoroughly. A great website to visit while completing our Story Unit is:


Please continue to encourage your child with his/her home reading. Each student should be reading for a minimum of 15 mins in French and in English everyday.

Social Studies:    We are continuing to explore the goods and natural resources in Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon.. To assist your child in learning about natural resources, please visit the following websites:


http://content.blackgold .ca/ict/division1/communities2/natural resources saskatoon.htm

The same website works for Iqaluit and Meteghan.

Science:   We will continue our Boats and Buoyancy Unit

English:   We have finished our novel study of Grizzly Cove.  We will continue to write stories with an interesting beginning and end, using adjectives and comparisons.

Math:  We will continue our unit on 2-D and 3-D shapes. The kids have demonstrated a very good understanding of the Unit and they are able to present the 3-D shapes confidently in French. 

Religion:  We are presently working on our Marian Liturgy. 

Music:   We are practicing the songs for our Marian Liturgy.

Art:    We are working on an Art Project for the Marian Liturgy and Mental Health Day. 

Thursday, April 7, 2022


Dear Parents,

It was great to chat with you during Parent-Teacher Conferences. I was sorry that I missed a couple of them.

Important dates in April


April 4th    Roger Dallaire    Francophonie Week

April 14th         Holy Thursday Liturgy    10am

April 15th – 24th       Easter Break

April  26th       Student Wellness Day

April  28th       Pizza   Day     Disney Character


April Update:

French:    We will continue to work on our writing skills with descriptive stories. French Comprehension texts will be ongoing. Please continue to encourage your child with his/her home reading. Just a friendly reminder about the French poem that your child could practice at home.

Science:    We have started our Boats and Buoyancy Unit. During experiments, the kids made predictions of a number of objects that float or sink. They made boats with modelling clay and discovered why some boats floated and others sank.

English:   We have finished reading Grizzly Cove by Delia Dumont. We will work on some reflection questions. We will continue to write stories with an interesting beginning, middle and end, adjectives and comparisons.

Social Studies:    We are learning about about goods and natural resources in the three communities of Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan. Students can enhance their learning by going to:

http://engagingstudents.blackgold.ca/index.php/division -1/social-studies/canada-s dynamic-communities

Math:  We will begin our new math unit on 3D objects and 2D shapes. We will also continue to practice addition and subtraction with regrouping of two and three numbers. Problem solving in Math will be an ongoing activity. Two great websites include:

http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/Shape Sorter/


Religion :     Stations of the Cross

Art:   We are completing our Easter baskets with Ukrainian Easter eggs thereby integrating it with Social Studies.

Music:     We have started practicing our songs for the Marian Liturgy scheduled for early May. The kids sound delightful.

Health:    We will continue with our Unit on the Zones of Regulation dealing with positive and negative emotions.

There will be curriculum-related activities about Easter for Art, Math, French and English.

We wish you all a wonderful Easter/Spring Break!


Thursday, March 17, 2022

 Important dates left in March:

!8th        Professional Growth Day

24th      Spirit Day         Mad Scientist

31st   March    Parent/Teacher   Con ferences    4:30   to 7: 30pm

!st April    9am   to 3pm

What we have been doing so far:

French:    Reading comprehension and story writing with an interesting beginning, middle and end. Adjectives and comparisons.

Literacy Centres

Technology:  Google Slides Power Point for French stories.

English:   We have been working on Spring Poems

Novel study    Grizzly Cove 

Story writing with an interesting beginning, middle and end, using adjectives.

Art:   Spring projects

Religion:   This week the kids did the Shamrock.

Next week    Stations of the Cross

Health:   We have been working on the Zones of Regulation

Strategies to overcome frustration, anger, stress etc.

Science:  The Liquid Unit is nearing completion.  The next Unit will be Boats and Buoyancy.

Social Studies:  We are winding up with the culture and language of the three communities of Canada.

Everyone will get the chance to do Green Screen Technology once they have prepared their presentations.

Friday, February 4, 2022

 English:     In English we are working on the Bat Booklet with Myths about bats, whether they are a Pal or Pest to farmers, their body parts etc. 

We are writing and illustrating stories with an interesting beginning, middle and end as well as descriptive adjectives.

The novel study Grizzly Cove is ongoing.

 Important dates to remember:

February is Black History Month.

14th -----16th Feb.     Francofolie (  Special French activities celebrating Carnaval)

17th and 18th     Teachers' Convention/  No school for students

21st   Family Day    No school for students

23rd    Pink shirt day

24th    Pizza Day     Theme:  Multicultural

25th   Mardi Gras /   Black shirt day

What we are doing this month

French:    We have started writing stories with a beginning, middle and end and with interesting details. Reading comprehension is ongoing. We have started a Valentine's booklet integrating French with Math. Literacy Centers are ongoing.

Math: Addition and Subtraction of two and three digit numbers with regrouping. Math games with Dominos and dice.

Social Studies:  We have started our Unit about the culture, language and festivals of the three communities of Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon. The kids were excited about preparing presentations of their favorite community, with the goal of linking it with technology 'Green Screen."

Health: We will be talking about the Zones of Regulation related to positive and negative emotions and the strategies to regulate them.

Art:  We will be focusing on Valentines Art this month and perhaps moving on to Spring Art. 

Science:   We are winding up the Hot and Cold Unit and we will soon be starting the Unit on Liquids.

Religion:   The children are learning about Blessed Trinity and the Holy Spirit.

An interesting website to explore for different subjects is:


Thursday, January 13, 2022

 Important dates:

18th  Jan.        New Year Liturgy 1pm

20th  Jan.        Progress reports go home

27th   28th  Jan.    P/T  Conferences

For the month of January we are focusing on:

French:  Reading comprehension.  Literacy Centres.  Writing short stories with an interesting beginning, middle and end. 

Math:   Adding and subtracting three digit numbers without regrouping. Adding and subtracting two digit numbers with regrouping. Graphing and patterning.

English:  We have started our unit on Bats. The children have learned some interesting facts about bats. We will also begin writing short stories with interesting vocabulary and adjectives.

Science:  We are continuing our Hot and Cold Unit. How to read thermometers. We will be learning some security rules, how to keep a house warm in winter and cool in summer, how a thermos works etc.

Religion: The children are learning about the seven sacraments.

Health:  How to identify and develop strategies to deal with positive and negative emotions. 

Social Studies:  The economic features of the three communities of Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan.

Art: We will focus on Art of the three communities of Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan.