Monday, November 2, 2020

 2nd November 2020

Important Dates to Remember:

Remembrance Day Celebration:  Tuesday 10th November at 10 am.

November 11th:  Remembrance Day   No school

November 20th:  National Child Day   Wear Blue

November 27th   Spirit Theme  Character Day

Information for this month:

French Language Arts:  The children will be working on Reading Comprehension. They are completing their story about La Sorciere using comprehensive vocabulary. For more practice in French you could visit:  and

English Language Arts:  We finished watching The Rainbow Fish. We had an interesting discussion about how a bully who was lonely soon had a lot of friends. The children related this story with their own lives giving examples. We will start the Novel Study Charlotte's Web by E.B. White tomorrow. 

Maths: Addition and Subtraction with two digit numbers will be ongoing. We will also be starting our Patterning Unit and Odd and Even Numbers.  Please do continue to practice Skip Counting by 2's, 5's and 10's at home.

Social Studies:  We will continue studying the people, language and culture of the three communities of Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon.

Science:  We will be starting our new Hot and Cold Temperatures Unit tomorrow.

Religion:   The students will learn about The Apostle's Creed and the Beatitudes.

Art:  The Pumpkin Seed Project is finished. We will start working on the Inukshuks as a major landmark in the North.

Health:  Our new topic will be about Nutrition and Healthy Eating Habits.