Friday, May 20, 2016

Thank you very much Parents for taking the time to come to our show despite your busy schedules.  I know it means a lot to the kids.  I am certainly very proud of them and their accomplishments.  They have come a long way since September.
The Clay for Kids Project was a huge success!  The presenter Madame Jennifer was outstanding!  She explained each step clearly and patiently and although she had planned a simple project, she very kindly accepted my elaborate details.
I wish you all an excellent long weekend!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Dear Parents,
A Parent Satisfaction Survey has gone home with the kids.  We hope you get the chance to complete it. 
Next Thursday the 19th of May at 9: 30 am, we will be making a neat Lighthouse Project with Clay for Kids.  If you could volunteer your time, it would be greatly appreciated.  I will need 4-5 Parent Volunteers.
Tomorrow the kids can wear hoodies and hats to support and donate for the Fort Mac tragedy. 
Many thanks for the wonderful information about our community in the past.  We enjoyed sharing it this morning.  We have watched two videos about our backyard bugs, butterflies and moths.  The kids were amazing!!  They were able to share all the little details. 
We look forward to seeing you on the 17th at 1pm.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Dear Parents,
We hope you got the invitation to our show on the 17th of May at 1 pm in the Learning Commons.  The children are quite excited about it and the sets are amazing. We look forward to seeing you all there.
We will be starting our new Science Unit today.  Small crawling and flying animals.
In Social Studies, we will be studying Our Community in the past and comparing it to the Present.  This will enable the kids to appreciate the Field Trip to Heritage Park next month. 
Stories in French and English are ongoing.
In Math, over and above adding and subtracting with regrouping, Math Problem Solving is ongoing.
We will be doing some great projects in Art as well.
Have a wonderful week!!
Best regards
Mme Amrita