Thursday, February 7, 2019

Dear Parents,
If you have unbreakable baking trays that you can send with your child tomorrow, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much and have a great day!
Mme Amrita

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Dear Parents,
Thank you to those who were able to join us for our in-class field trip! The Grade 2’s learned about the adventure of Superhero Settlers. The Ukrainians who settled on the prairies had several super powers to help them defeat the challenges they were faced with in Saskatchewan. Geography, culture, goods and services were explored in this superhero adventure.
February will be a busy month!
Important Dates and Reminders:
Friday, February 8th, we will be making Apple Crisp and ice cream (at 9:00 am) for our Science Unit on Hot and Cold. Please remember to bring an apple already sliced in a Ziploc bag. Please let me know if you can assist with this.
Tuesday, February 12th,  Carnaval: We will spend the day playing games in celebration of Carnaval. We hope to also see you at the Mardi Gras family dance that evening beginning at 6:00 pm.
Wednesday, February 13th, 12:30 – Cabane à sucre 
From Thursday, February14th to Monday February 18th No School due to Teacher’s Convention and Family Day.
Tuesday, February 19- School Council, 4:00 – 5:00 PM All Parents welcome
Thursday, February 21 – Pizza Day/ Spirit Day Decades
Monday, February 25 – Ash Making 9:00 AM All Parents welcome
We will begin In-Line skating the week of Monday, February 25th

What we will learn about in February:
English: We will finish discussing Charlotte’s Web and we will have a multiple choice test on the 12th of February. We will also begin our new Unit on Bats. Story-writing skills using a beginning, middle and end will be ongoing.
Sciences: We have started our new unit on Liquids and we have completed two experiments.  Please do ask your child what they have learned.
Social Studies: We have begun our new unit on the natural resources and goods in Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon.  Please do ask your child what natural resources and goods are found in Saskatchewan.  The children learned them during our workshop.
Math:  We have been practicing bar graphs with the help of class surveys.  We will start our Unit with 2-D and 3-D geometric shapes. We will also practice problem solving.  Please practice these skills with your child at home.
French: We are learning about French grammar (nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, etc). We will continue to also enhance reading and writing skills by writing stories and completing reading comprehension texts.
Religion:  We are learning about Jesus’ life as a child by reading Bible stories. We are also learning about important symbols in the Church.
Health:  We will be focusing on group dynamics and collaborative decision making.
Music: We will work on Tempo and music dynamics.
Art:  We will be participating in varied Carnaval Activities next week as part of our week of Francophonie.