Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Dear Parents,
February was a very busy month! Thank-you again to the parents who joined us to make apple crisp and ice-cream! It was a great way to engage in our hot and cold science unit. Thank-you as well to the parents who could assist with roller blading this past week! The students loved in-line skating.
Important Dates and Reminders:
Wednesday, March 6th Ash Wednesday
Friday, March 8th – Report Cards will be sent home
Thursday March 14th & Friday 15th we will have our Parent/Teacher  interviews. I look forward to meeting with all of you.
On Friday the 15th there will be no school for the students.
March 18th - March 22nd we celebrate la semaine de la francophonie where we will have exciting French activities for the students.
It is that time of the year again where the children prepare a poem to present to the class.  Please go to Google and type in poèmes français and you will find 100’s of poems to choose from.
March 23rd – Easter Break begins. Bonne vacances- and we look forward to seeing the kids on Monday, April 1st.

What are we learning about in March?
French: We are continuing to work on reading comprehension skills as well as working on our writing skills and will be writing stories. Please continue to encourage your child with his/her home reading.
Math: We will continue our new math unit on 3D objects and 2D shapes. Problem solving in math will be an ongoing activity. Two great websites to introduce 3D objects and 2D shapes include:
Religion: We will learn about the seasons of Lent and Easter.
Science: We will continue our unit on liquids and boats and buoyancy. At the end of the unit, we will send home a boat building project with recycling materials.  We shall keep you posted.
Social Studies: We are learning about goods and natural resources in the three communities. Students can enhance their learning about the culture, traditions and natural resources of each community by going to:
English: We will continue to learn about bats. We are also trying to incorporate descriptive words in our stories. In addition to your home reading in French, we encourage your child to also read in English each evening.
Music: We will work on connecting rhythms with music and continue learning about high and low sounds as well as melodies.
Art: We will work on art pieces for Easter.