Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dear WONDERFUL Parents,
I was blown away by your extreme generosity yesterday!!  There were enough snacks to feed an army.  The kids enjoyed the morning of crafts with our amazing, efficient Parent Volunteers.  Many, many thanks to you all.
Let me take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year, filled with good health, happiness and success!
Warm regards
Mme Amrita

Monday, December 3, 2018

November Update:
What will we be learning about this month?
French Language Arts: This month, the Grade 2’s will be working on their reading skills and will practice their reading comprehension.
For more practice with this at home, your child can also visit:     and
English Language Arts: We will complete our Novel Study of “Charlotte’s Web” and will also work on grammar and writing simple stories using adjectives.
Math: This month, the Grade 2’s will conclude the math unit on Number Sense and will begin patterns.
You can assist your child with number sense by counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and identifying odd and even numbers. For additional practice, you can also use the following website:
Social Studies: The Grade 2’s will continue to explore and investigate the physical geography of Saskatoon, Meteghan and Iqaluit.
Science: We are learning about magnetism and will begin our new unit, “Hot and Cold Temperatures”. 
Health: We will continue exploring safety and healthy eating habits. 
Art: This month, we will do an art project to celebrate Remembrance Day.
Music: The Grade 2’s will learn about melody and will sing French songs during Reader’s Theater. 
Religion: In November, the students will learn about the Apostle’s Creed, be introduced to the Beatitudes.

DECEMBER 2018 NEWS What will we learn about this Month?

We will have our morning of Christmas crafts on the 18th of December.  Please let me know at your earliest convenience if you can volunteer in class.

English: We will continue reading Charlottes’s Web and review discussion questions. We will also do some Christmas activities.

French: We are going to work on reading comprehension and writing skills to expand our French language vocabulary. Here are the sites, we will be using in the classroom.

Health: We have been talking about bullying in the classroom and what it looks like at school.  The children have done some role plays and we have discussed the strategies to confront bullying situations with courage.  We will watch videos and continue our understanding of the subject.

Math: We will work on our unit on patterns and relations and place value. We will work on demonstrating and explaining the meaning of equality and inequality. We started adding numbers with regrouping with manipulatives and on the board. Please ask your child the strategy they learned and continue practicing this skill at home.

Music: We will practice our Christmas songs and learn more specific details about music notes. Please, encourage your child to sing along Christmas carols in French using this site:

Religion: We will begin the new unit, The Road to Bethlehem to prepare for the seasons of Advent and Christmas.

Science: We will work on the Hot and Cold Temperatures unit. You can assist your child in science by practicing how to read temperatures on a thermometer. We will measure temperature in degrees Celsius.

Social Studies: We will learn about the cultural and linguistic characteristic in Saskatoon, Iqaluit and Meteghan. To assist your child with this at home, you can visit:


Mme Amrita

Friday, October 5, 2018

Dear Parents,
On Thursday the 11th of October, I would like to do the magnet centres with my class.  For this I would like at least 5 Parent Volunteers.  Please do let me know as soon as possible, if you can volunteer from 9am to 11am on this day.
Many thanks
Have an excellent Thanksgiving and long weekend with your families!
Warm regards
Mme Amrita

Monday, October 1, 2018

What will we learn about in October?
French Language Arts: We will work on our writing and speaking skills through our new theme, “C’est l’halloween”. Here is a great website to visit for extra French reading activities :
English Language Arts: We will be starting the novel “Charlotte’s Web” by E. B. White. We will study vocabulary, make predictions about the story as we read along and do multiple choice activities.
Math: We will continue to practice our number sense up to 100. We will focus on the following: identifying odd and even numbers; counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s; identifying place value and representing numbers using “tens” and “ones” blocks. We will also review addition and subtraction strategies with answers to 18. Here are some great websites to practice number sense:
Social Studies: We will be exploring the landforms and geography of Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan. You could assist your child with this at home by looking at pictures of each of these communities at the Library or online.
Science: We will conclude learning about spiders.
Health: We will continue exploring safety and healthy habits. 
Art: This month, we will create art pieces for Thanksgiving and Halloween.  We encourage your child to bring an old t-shirt to be worn over clothes while water color painting.
Religion: The students will be introduced to The Apostles’ Creed and begin to understand the four parts of the Mass.
Have a good day!
Mme Amrita

Friday, September 28, 2018

Dear Parents,
For the month of October, we will be doing the following;
French:  Thanksgiving and Halloween activities such as vocabulary, story writing and crafts.
English:  We will be starting the novel “Charlotte’s Web” by E. B. White. We will study vocabulary, make predictions about the story as we read along and do multiple choice activities.
Math:  We will continue adding and subtracting 1 and 2 digit numbers and problem solving.
Science:  We will start our unit on Magnetism next week, in order to prepare the children for their first field trip to Telus Spark mid November.
Health:  We have started our unit on Nutrition and the four food groups. The children will soon be making posters with slogans about healthy eating.
P.S.     Please let us know when/ which day of the week, you are able to volunteer when we organize centers or to help with art and craft projects.
Thank you very much
Have a good weekend!
Mme Amrita

Monday, September 24, 2018

Good morning Parents,
It was certainly a huge pleasure meeting you during Parent/Teacher interviews.  I discovered that some of you speak French and that some of you would be willing to volunteer for our centres.
Tomorrow is our Opening Mass at St. Luke Church at 10 am.  We hope that you can make it there.
We have an excellent French website which you could access and use at home with your children.
Jeux éducatifs en ligne -

Have a good week!
Kind Regards
Mme Amrita

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Dear Parents,
The children have been learning about spiders in Science.  Today they will be doing some research on the different kinds of spiders in the world.  Please do ask your child to share what they have learned in French about spiders.
In Math, the children are doing doubles, doubles+1 and doubles-1
In French they are doing interesting comprehensions.
In English they will fill in the blanks with good vocabulary words to make short stories.

I look forward to meeting all of you at the interviews next week!
Warm regards
Mme Amrita

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

 Dear Parents,
For the first two weeks of September, we will be doing the following;
French:  Reading books, vocabulary, simple exercises such as putting words in alphabetical order, making simple sentences and some word search, useful sounds and examples
Math:  Number sense
·         Skip counting by 2,s 5’s, and 10’s
·         What comes before, after and in the middle
·         Numbers in words from 1-20
Social studies:  Name the continents, geographical features of North America,
the Canadian flag
Printing in English and in French
English:  Vocabulary and simple sentences

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Dear Parents,
Many thanks for your generosity.  It has certainly been a very rewarding year with my wonderful students!!
Let me take this opportunity to wish you all an excellent summer!
Warm regards
Mme Amrita

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Dear Parents,
Thank-you again to those who joined us at Heritage Park. The Grade 2’s had a great day learning about Calgary’s past.
Although summer holidays are just around the corner, June is going to be a very busy month!
Important Dates and Reminders:
Week of June 4- 8th we will be learning how to play football for phys. Ed. outside. Please remember to dress for the weather!
Tuesday, June 26thYear End Mass at St. Luke’s Church at 10 am. Please let me know if you are able to walk with us to the church, as we will be needing volunteers to join us.
What will we learn about in June?
French: We are learning how to add more details to our French stories. Please continue your home reading this month!  
English: Story writing will be ongoing this month. Please encourage your child to practice writing a sentence in English each evening to assist with his/her writing.  
Math: We will conclude our unit on measurement and will learn how to solve problems using graphs and surveys. Please continue to practice addition and subtraction at home with your child.
Sciences: We will be studying the characteristics and needs of a variety of insects. The Grade 2’s will also have the opportunity to complete a research project about an insect of their choice.
To learn more about insects, you can visit the following websites: ,
Art: We will incorporate science into our art activities by completing some art pieces about insects.
Social Studies: We are learning about how our community has changed from the past and making a comparison with the present.  Learn more about Alberta’s past by visiting,
Music: We will continue creating rhythms and identifying rhythms in songs.
Religion: We are learning about more about Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  
Health: We will discuss personal safety with our health program, “Kids in the Know” and will also discuss bullying.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

May 2018 Update

Dear Parents, 
I hope that you are all enjoying the warmer weather! Please see the update below for the month of May:

Important Dates and Reminders:

Tuesday, May 8th The Grade 2 classes will be doing Clay for Kids. Having 3 parent-volunteers would be a great assistance for this project. If you are able to help with this, please write a note in your child’s agenda. I will confirm the time with you shortly. 
Tuesday, May 15th one student will be chosen to represent the Grade 2 students for the Gala Oratoire.   
We will be planning to go to Heritage Park on Friday, June 1st and will be needing parent volunteers to join us! Please save the date if you would like to join the Grade 2's for this field trip. More information will be coming soon. 

What will we learn about this month? 

Math: We will continue learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We will also complete our unit on measurement. Problem solving as well as, addition and subtraction practice (specifically with regrouping) will be ongoing until the end of the year. Please practice these skills with your child at home. 
French: We are working on writing stories with a clear beginning, middle and end using descriptive words. Your child can work on these skills at home by using the following websites: and 
English: We are learning how to add details to our stories by using adjectives and descriptive words to write more developed sentences. We will be reading spring poems. 
Science: We will learn about boats and buoyancy and will begin learning about factors that determine effective embarkation.  We are learning how about constructing boats with modeling clay and modifying them to make them float. You can learn more about boats and buoyancy by referring to the following website: 
Social Studies: We will continue learning about the natural resources, goods and services in Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon. Your child is encouraged to review each community by visiting the website below: 
Religion: We will continue learning about the Eucharist and the parts of the Mass. 
Music: The Grade 2’s will be learning expanding their knowledge on rhythm and will begin creating their own songs.  
Health: I will be sending home a letter in regards to our upcoming health unit, “Kids in the Know". 
When using the Chromebooks, we have been practicing our typing skills on the website: . Your child is more than welcome to practice his/her typing at home as well.   
Please continue reading consistently in French and English at home! 
Thank you
Mme Amrita

Monday, April 30, 2018

Dear Parents,
Just a friendly reminder, May is going to be an extremely busy though exciting month.  Some important dates to consider:
Marian Celebration on the 11th of May at 1 pm. We look forward to seeing all of you there.
Clay for Kids project on the 8th of May.  The time will be determined shortly.  We will keep you informed and we will certainly appreciate Parent Volunteers.
Gala Oratoire:  15th May.  Three children will be selected from each Grade 2 class.  The Grade 4 Teachers will be the Judges to select one student to represent our Grade level to ensure that it is fair.
We have started preparing for our Grand Spectacle/ Big Show at the end of the year.  I have selected the play Les Trois Petits Cochons/ The Three Little Pigs and for this I will need wonderful Parent Volunteers who can help with the three cardboard houses.  The children will help paint the houses from time to time.
We will send you the May Newsletter as soon as it is ready.
Have a good week!
Mme Amrita

Monday, April 23, 2018

April 23, 2018
Dear Parents,
We are so excited about our first Liturgy, the Marion Celebration on the 11th of May at 1 pm.  Two Grade 3 classes and our class will be participating.  The children sound wonderful when they sing the three songs of the Liturgy.  We look forward to seeing you there!
Enjoy the delightful weather at last!
Warm regards
Mme Amrita

Monday, March 26, 2018

Thursday, March 22nd 2018
Dear Parents,
It was great to meet with you during parent-teacher conferences! 
Gala Oratoire: 
Back by popular demand, French Immersion schools will participate in another Gala d'art oratoire. The Gala d’art Oratoire is an opportunity for every student to showcase the skills they've gained over the years. I ask that they choose and memorize one poem to present to the class on Friday, April 27th . A representative from each grade level will be selected to participate in the final school presentation in May. 
French: We will begin reading and reciting spring poems.  We are also learning how to write stories with a clear beginning, middle and end, using descriptive words. Reading comprehension and grammar practice will also be ongoing. 
Please remember to practice your poem for the Gala Oratoire  
Math:  We are working on our unit,  “Space and Shape Measurement” where we learn about 2D and 3D shapes as well as using non-standard units (blocks, paper clips, string, etc).  to measure objects.  
Science: We are learning about different liquids and will also learn about objects that sink and float. 
Social Studies: We will learn about the goods and natural resources in Meteghan, Saskatoon and Iqaluit. 
Art: We will be completing a spring/Easter art project. 
Music: We will connect rhythms and beat to the melody of songs. We will also learn and use different musical instruments. 
Health: We will continue to learn about friendship as well as how to have positive interactions with others. An important focus will also include strategies to resolve conflicts between peers. 
English: We are learning about the lives of bats. We will also continue to learn how to write stories with descriptive words. Please continue to practice reading in English. 
Religion: We will learn about the season of Easter and will begin discussing the sacraments, with a focus on the Eucharist.

Friday, March 2, 2018

What are we learning about in March?
French: We are continuing to work on reading comprehension skills as well as working on our writing skills and will be writing stories. Please continue to encourage your child with his/her home reading. 
Math: We are about to be finishing addition and subtraction with regrouping. We will then begin our new math unit on 3D objects and 2D shapes. Problem solving in math will be an ongoing activity. Two great websites to introduce 3D objects and 2D shapes include: 
Religion: We will learn about the seasons of Lent and Easter.
Science: We are beginning our unit on liquids. 
Social Studies: We will begin to learn about goods and natural resources in the three communities. Students can enhance their learning about the culture, traditions and natural resources of each community by going to:
English: We will continue to learn about bats. We are also trying incorporate descriptive words in our stories. In addition to your home reading in French, we encourage your child to also read in English each evening. We would appreciate a parent volunteer who could assist the students in completing a project about bats next week. Please let me know by writing a note in your child’s agenda. 
Music: We will work on connecting rhythms with music and continue learning about high and low sounds as well as melodies. 
Art: We will work on art pieces for Easter.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dear Parents,
Many thanks to those of you who were able to help us out with the Apple Crisp and the Ice Cream.  The children enjoyed it immensely!
Back by popular demand, we will host another Gala d'art oratoire this year. The annual "Gala d'art oratoire" will take place May 26 at Cardel Theatre (180 Quarry Park Blvd. SE). The Gala d'art oratoire is not a competition, but rather a celebration of French! It's an opportunity for every student to showcase the skills they've gained over the years.  Please do look for a poem that your child can practice at home.  You could google poeme francais or Jean de la Fontaine and you will find several French poems.
We are learning about Bats for our English Unit.  Today the children learned amazing facts about bats.  Please ask them to share at least ten things they learned.
Have a great weekend!
Mme Amrita

Friday, February 2, 2018

February 2nd 2018

Dear Parents,
There are some important messages in the Agenda.  As well, if possible, could you please send a  4L bottle of milk or water cut in half at home with your child on Monday?  I would like the part with the handle which would serve as a nose for the Mardi Gras mask. I have also asked the kids to bring an old shirt to school on Monday.
Many thanks to all the parent Volunteers and have a good weekend!
Mme Amrita

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Dear Parents, 
Thank you to those who were able to join us for our in-class field trip! The Grade 2’s learned about the Acadians who live in Meteghan and got to make butter, paint light houses and practice weaving. 
February will be a busy month! 
Important Dates and Reminders:
Friday, February 9th, Carnaval: We will spend the day playing games in celebration of Carnaval. We hope to also see you at the Mardi Gras family dance that evening beginning at 6:00 pm.   
Tuesday, February 13, We will be making Apple Crisp and ice cream (at 9:00 am) for our Science Unit on Hot and Cold. Please remember to bring an apple already sliced in a Ziploc bag.  Please let me know if you can assist with this. 
Thursday, February 15th –Monday February 19th No School due to Teacher’s Convention and Family Day. 
We will begin In-Line skating the week of Monday, February 26th
What we will learn about in February: 
English: We will finish discussing Charlotte’s Web and will have a Unit test on Monday February 5th. We will also begin our new Unit on Bats. Story-writing skills using a beginning, middle and end will be ongoing. 
Sciences: We will conclude our Hot and Cold Science unit and begin discussing liquids. 
Social Studies: We will continue to learn about the culture and traditions in Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon. 
Math: We will learn addition and subtraction strategies with answers up to 100 both with and without regrouping. We will also practice problem solving.  Please practice these skills with your child at home. 
French: We are learning about French grammar (nouns, proper nouns, adjectives, etc). We will continue to also enhance reading and writing skills by writing stories and completing reading comprehension texts. 
Religion:  We are learning about Jesus’ life as a child by reading Bible stories. We are also learning about important symbols in the Church. 
Health:  We are learning about Healthy Habits.  
Music: We will distinguish among the sounds of common musical instruments.

I will require a little help in preparing for the paper mache project on Monday.  If you can
come for half an hour tomorrow morning, it will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
Mme Amrita

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Jan. 31 2018

Dear Parents,
Mardi Gras is around the corner, more specifically the 9th of February.  I would like to do a paper mache project with masks.  Since it is a fairly messy project and quite detailed, I would appreciate as many Parent Volunteers as possible on Monday morning. Please do indicate in your child's Agenda if you can help.
Many thanks
Mme Amrita/

Monday, January 8, 2018

8th January 2018

Dear Parents,
A Very Happy New Year to you all!  I hope you had a wonderful Holiday Season with your families.  Many thanks for the beautiful gifts that you so kindly gave me for Christmas.  My students are my true gifts and when I see their progress, it warms my heart.
As I had mentioned in my last blog, we have an internal Field Trip for our Acadian Culture in Social Studies on the 19th of January.  I will confirm the time this week.  I need 5 Parent Volunteers for this day.  Please do let me know at your earliest convenience if you can come.
Many thanks
Yours sincerely
Mme Amrita