Dear Parents,
Just a friendly reminder, May is going to
be an extremely busy though exciting month.
Some important dates to consider:
Celebration on the 11th
of May at 1 pm. We look forward to seeing all of you there.
for Kids project on the 8th
of May. The time will be determined
shortly. We will keep you informed and
we will certainly appreciate Parent Volunteers.
Oratoire: 15th May. Three children will be selected from each
Grade 2 class. The Grade 4 Teachers will
be the Judges to select one student to represent our Grade level to ensure that
it is fair.
We have started preparing for our Grand Spectacle/ Big Show at the end of
the year. I have selected the play Les Trois Petits Cochons/ The Three Little
Pigs and for this I will need wonderful Parent Volunteers who can help with
the three cardboard houses. The children
will help paint the houses from time to time.
We will send you the May Newsletter as
soon as it is ready.
Have a good week!
Mme Amrita