will we be learning about this month?
French Language Arts: This month, the Grade 2’s will be working
on their reading skills and will practice their reading comprehension.
For more practice
with this at home, your child can also visit: and
English Language Arts: We will complete our Novel Study of
“Charlotte’s Web” and will also work on grammar and writing simple stories
using adjectives.
Math: This month, the Grade 2’s will conclude the math unit on
Number Sense and will begin patterns.
You can assist your child with number sense
by counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and identifying odd and even numbers. For
additional practice, you can also use the following website:
Social Studies: The Grade 2’s will continue to explore
and investigate the physical geography of Saskatoon, Meteghan and Iqaluit.
Science: We are learning about magnetism and will begin our new unit,
“Hot and Cold Temperatures”.
Health: We will continue exploring safety and healthy eating
Art: This month, we will do an art project to celebrate Remembrance
Music: The Grade 2’s will learn about melody and will sing French
songs during Reader’s Theater.
Religion: In November, the students will learn about
the Apostle’s Creed, be introduced to the Beatitudes.