Important Dates for the month of October:
October 6th Professional Growth Day No school for kids
Oct. 9th Thanksgiving No school for kids
Oct. 10th World Mental Health Day
Oct. 17th Photo Day
Oct. 18th St. Luke Feast Day
Oct. 24th Child Abuse Awareness Day
Oct. 31st Black and Orange Day
French Language Arts: Practicing sounds such as "oi" "in" "ou" etc. is ongoing. The children
are now able to write unfamiliar words confidently on the board. Reading Comprehension will continue this month, along with Thanksgiving Activities.
Social Studies: The culture and language of the three communities of Canada, Iqaluit, Meteghan
and Saskatoon.
Math: Addition and Subtraction of two digit numbers. Problem Solving and the method of Elimination.
Art: Thanksgiving Art and Inukshuks, landmarks in the North, integrating with Social Studies.
Music: Listening to French songs and distinguishing between beat and rhythm.
Science: Sounds made in the environment and identifying loud and soft sounds. Strategies to protect hearing from noise pollution. Parts of an ear.
English: Phonics, word families, Reading Comprehension. Making predictions, analyzing situations etc.