Important Dates in October
7th October Thanksgiving Liturgy at 1pm
10th October Thanksgiving No school
What we are doing this month:
French: Vocabulary, Making sentences, Reading comprehension about Thanksgiving
Art: Thanksgiving Art
Math: Skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's continues. Addition and subtraction till 100. Mental Math strategies for doubles, doubles plus one and minus one. Math vocabulary. Problem solving.
Science: We will soon be winding up the Spider Unit and starting the Unit on Magnets.
Social Studies: The people, language and culture of the three communities in Canada, Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan.
Health: We are learning to appreciate the healthy benefits of nutritional snacks and physical activity.
English: We have started learning about word families and descriptive adjectives.
Music: The kids have been practicing a variety of songs. We will soon focus on beat with Djembe drums.