Important dates to remember:
February is Black History Month.
14th -----16th Feb. Francofolie ( Special French activities celebrating Carnaval)
17th and 18th Teachers' Convention/ No school for students
21st Family Day No school for students
23rd Pink shirt day
24th Pizza Day Theme: Multicultural
25th Mardi Gras / Black shirt day
What we are doing this month
French: We have started writing stories with a beginning, middle and end and with interesting details. Reading comprehension is ongoing. We have started a Valentine's booklet integrating French with Math. Literacy Centers are ongoing.
Math: Addition and Subtraction of two and three digit numbers with regrouping. Math games with Dominos and dice.
Social Studies: We have started our Unit about the culture, language and festivals of the three communities of Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon. The kids were excited about preparing presentations of their favorite community, with the goal of linking it with technology 'Green Screen."
Health: We will be talking about the Zones of Regulation related to positive and negative emotions and the strategies to regulate them.
Art: We will be focusing on Valentines Art this month and perhaps moving on to Spring Art.
Science: We are winding up the Hot and Cold Unit and we will soon be starting the Unit on Liquids.
Religion: The children are learning about Blessed Trinity and the Holy Spirit.
An interesting website to explore for different subjects is: