Dear Parents,
Your child can draw, label and colour this picture in their Sketchbooks. As an extension activity, they can make a water cycle craft using recycling materials.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We survived week 1! Congratulations on supporting your child, perhaps managing to work and being a role model to your child during this difficult time. Please know that we understand the challenges faced by our families. During this time it is important to pray for all of the students and their families in our class and for the teachers in our school. We all need prayers as we face new challenges. Please feel free to refer to your class photo and encourage your child to say an individual prayer for each classmate.
I realize that students in French Immersion have an added challenge, as learning a new language from home is unusual. I will continue to organize opportunities for small group conferences to allow students to practice speaking French in an authentic situation. Moving forward, we will continue to use:
Use of google classroom