Sunday, March 29, 2020


Qui suis je? Who am I?
Translation in English: 1. I am a mode of trasport. I do not have an engine. I move forward if you use my pedals. 2. I am a skateboard with a handle bar. I move forward by pushing with one foot. 3. You sit on me while sliding down a snowy slope. 4. I am a mode of transport often used in Iqaluit/Nunavut. I am most often pulled by strong Husky dogs to move fast in the snow. Nowadays there is a more modern version of this mode of transport that has an engine. Who am I? Dear Parents, please ask your child to read these riddles in French and in English and then figure out what the mode of transport is.

le cycle de l'eau

Dear Parents,
Your child can draw, label and colour this picture in their Sketchbooks.  As an extension activity, they can make a water cycle craft using recycling materials.

Dear Parents and Guardians, 
We survived week 1! Congratulations on supporting your child, perhaps managing to work and being a role model to your child during this difficult time. Please know that we understand the challenges faced by our families. During this time it is important to pray for all of the students and their families in our class and for the teachers in our school. We all need prayers as we face new challenges. Please feel free to refer to your class photo and encourage your child to say an individual prayer for each classmate. 
I realize that students in French Immersion have an added challenge, as learning a new language from home is unusual. I will continue to organize opportunities for small group conferences to allow students to practice speaking French in an authentic situation. Moving forward, we will continue to  use:  

1.     Use of google classroom 
2.    Flip Grid: how to for students

Monday, March 23, 2020

Dear Parents,
I am sending information to the kids about the Water Cycle.  There are some neat videos in French, vocabulary, illustration in the Sketchbook and an explanation in French.  This Science lesson can be integrated with French and English Language Arts. 
Ecris/ rédige une histoire à propos d’une voyage d’une goutte d’eau dans la nature.  Utilise les mots de transitions pour les paragraphes comme:  D’abord, ensuite, un peu plus tard, tout à coup, finalement etc.
Imagine that you are a drop of water.  Describe yourself and your fascinating journey in nature.  Some transitional words you can use are:  at first, later, one bright, sunny day, basking in the brilliant sunshine, sailing effortlessly in the sky etc.                       Amusez-vous bien!!!
Le Cycle de l’eau
Videos a regarder:    1.  Le voyage d’une goutte d’eau
   2.  Le cycle naturel de l’eau
Les mots à pratiquer:  Transpiration, Evaporation, Condensation, Précipitation, Ruissellement, Infiltration.
Explication:  Durant la journée le soleil brille. Les arbres transpirent.  A la surface  des océans, des lacs, des rivières, l’eau évapore et monte dans l’atmosphere. Cette vapeur d’eau monte en haut dans le ciel et forme des nuages.  Quand ces nuages deviennent trop lourds, l’eau tombe par terre sous forme de la pluie.  L’eau est ainsi recyclée dans la nature!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Les formes géométriques à trois dimensions
La description:

Un cube:      J’ai  12 arêtes et 8 sommets.  Toutes mes 6 faces ont la même forme.  Je peux glisser, mais pas rouler.  Qui suis-je?
Un cylindre:    J’ai 2 arêtes courbées.  J’ai deux surfaces planes et 1 surface courbe. Je peux rouler et glisser.  Qui suis-je?
Une pyramide:   J’ai 5 surfaces planes et 5 sommets.  Je peux glisser, mais pas rouler. Qui suis-je?
Une sphere:    J’ai une surface courbe sans fin.  Je roule mais je ne glisse pas.  Je n’ai ni arêtes ni sommets.  Qui suis-je?
Un cone:     Je peux rouler et glisser.  J’ai une surface plane et une surface courbe.  J’ai un sommet et une arête courbe.  Qui suis-je?

Monday, March 2, 2020

Dear Parents,
Here is the update for the month of March.

Important dates:    In-line skating all week.  If you are able to volunteer to help the kids with their gear, it would be greatly appreciated. 
 Madd Science  2nd and 9th March.  
11th March    Progress reports go home.  Irish dance Presentation 
12th March    Alberta Musical Theater  -  Sleeping Beauty    
17th March   St.  Patrick's Day  Wear Green
Parent- Teacher  Conferences   4 - 7: 30 pm
Parent -Teacher Conferences    AM  9 - 11:30
                                                   PM  1: 00 - 3: 00

March  20  Professional Day   No Classes 
March  25  Lenten Liturgy  10 AM
March  26  Pizza and Spirit Day   Twin/Triplet/Quadruplet

French:   Story writing with an interesting beginning, middle and end.  Reading Comprehension.  Literacy Centres.  Poetry.
Art:  Spring Art
Mathematics:  We will soon be starting 2-D and 3-D shapes.  Problem solving with strategies will be ongoing. 
English:  We have started our Unit on Bats.  Please ask your child what they learned from the video.  We will also work on a project about bats. The children will continue writing interesting stories with a beginning, middle and end.  Poetry.
Science:  We have started our Unit on Liquids.  The kids have done some exciting experiments and they will share them and characteristics during interviews.
Health:  The kids are working on Posters with Slogans about the benefits of Healthy Eating and Regular Exercise.
Religion:  Lenten Promises
Physical Ed:  Alien In-Line Skating   Basketball.