Thursday, February 6, 2020

Dear Parents,
Here are some important dates for the month of February:

7th February    Teachers Pet    An In-School Field Trip  A Prairie Community in the Past
Many thanks to the Parent Volunteers who have kindly offered to help out.

12th Feb.    We will be celebrating Valentine's day.  If the children would like to give cards to their classmates, please could you make sure that every child in the class is included.  Thank you.

13th and 14th Feb.   Teachers Convention   No school for kids.

17th Feb.  Family Day

21st Feb.  Carnival Activities    Mardi Gras

25th Feb.  Folkfolie   Cabane a sucre   Shrove Tuesday

27th Feb.  Pizza day   Spirit day   Out of this world

What we are learning this month:

Science:    As a culminating activity to show how heat changes the state of materials we made Apple Crisp with our wonderful Parent Volunteers.  We will make ice cream next week and you could make it at home with your child.  we will be starting our new Science Unit about Liquids.

Social Studies:   We have started our new Unit On Natural Resources in the Three Communities of Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan.  The kids have prepared for their in-school field trip tomorrow.

Math:  We are doing subtraction with regrouping.  Please do practice with your child at home.  We are continuing patterning and problem solving.

French:  Vocabulary and reading comprehension are ongoing. We are also writing stories with a beginning, middle and end.  We use interesting adjectives and expressions learned in class.

English:   Charlotte's Web has finally come to an end.  I will be giving the children a multiple choice test and one narrative question which we will be reviewing in class.  This will be followed by the Unit on Bats.  Story writing with an interesting beginning, middle and end will be ongoing.

Art:  We will soon be working on Spring Art.

Health:  The children learned about the four food groups today.  Please do ask the what comes under each group.  Exercise/Physical Activity is a necessary part of Health.