Dear Parents,
Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a Very Happy New Year!! I am absolutely delighted to be back at school with my wonderful kids. I will be sending the January Newsletter soon with all the special stuff that we will be doing in the different subjects. As well, I shall look forward to your help when I organize centers, for art projects and for Field Trips. Our first Field trip will be on the 24th of January at Telus Spark Science Center. I will be sending out the forms soon. Tomorrow the kids will have their first spelling test with some French and English words. The children will require one lined notebook for the spelling test and one for Math problems. I will appreciate it if you can send them with your kids at your earliest convenience.
Thank you very much and have an excellent weekend!
Warm regards
Mme Amrita
P. S. Please don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions.