Friday, September 1, 2023


Dear Parents,

I would like to share with you, some important information for the month of September.

Important Dates for the month of September:

5th September    staggered entry   A-K

6th September    Staggered entry   L-Z

7th September    first day of school for everyone

13th September   first Phys. Ed. class

21st September   Parent/Teacher Interviews

22nd September   Parent/Teacher Interviews

26th September    Terry Fox Run

27th  -  30th   September   Indigenous Week

30th September   No school for kids  National Truth and Reconciliation Day

French Language Arts and Literature:

Phonological Awareness on recognition and manipulation of spoken sounds and vocabulary words to support reading and writing foundational skills. Understanding the overall meaning of French stories, poems and songs. Recognize spelling patterns and use new words to communicate.


Brainstorming ideas about our Faith Theme on Gratitude and creating prayers in small groups. 


 Who is a scientist?  What is the scientific method?

Social Studies:

The Continents of the World. The Canadian Flag. The three communities of Canada, namely, Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon.

English Language Arts and Literature:

Phonological Awareness on recognition and manipulation of spoken sounds and vocabulary words to support reading and writing foundational skills. Understanding the overall meaning of English stories, poems and songs. Recognize spelling patterns and use new words to communicate.


Number Sense. Review numbers from 1-100 in French. Addition and subtraction Strategies. Doubles, doubles plus 1 and doubles minus 1 till 20. Mental Math strategies.


Recognizing shapes around us and in nature.