Monday the 5th: Labour
Day No school
21st Sept. Opening Mass at St. Luke Church at 10am
23rd Sept.: Parent-Teacher Conferences
30th Sept. National Day for Truth and Reconciliation No school
What we will be doing this month:
FLA: We will be reviewing
basic phonetic and more complex sounds to improve reading. There will be activities based on new
words such as making sentences and word search. We will be reading simple texts
in our daily Reading Comprehension activities.
Social Studies: The students will be
using simple maps to locate the Acadian, Inuit and Prairie communities. They
will be investigating how geography shapes and changes Canadian communities, by
comparing the communities.
Religion: Our Faith Theme this year is Faith, Hope and Love abide
and the greatest of these is Love. The children will work on All About Me and
different prayers.
Science: The first Unit will be on Spiders. The children will learn to
differentiate between spiders and insects, and they will learn the
characteristics of different kinds of spiders.
Maths: The children will work on Number Concepts and they will
learn to recognize and apply numbers to 100. They will work on addition and
subtraction, skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's and problem solving with
personal strategies.
Health: The children will learn about making responsible and informed
choices to promote safety for themselves and others with a special emphasis on
the importance of social distancing and wearing masks.
ART: The children will learn that Art can be made in different
ways using a variety of colours