Important dates for the month of October:
Thanksgiving Celebration 8th October
Thanksgiving 11th October No school
St. Luke Feast Day 19th October
Photo day 19th October
Catholic Ed. Telethon 23rd / 24th
Faith Day 29th October
What we are learning this month:
French: We finished an Autumn booklet. We are presently working on reading comprehension and Thanksgiving activities. We will write stories for Halloween along with vocabulary and a variety of activities.
Maths: We will now begin addition and subtraction of two digit numbers. Problem solving will be ongoing.
Health: We will focus on nutrition, food groups and healthy eating habits.
Science: We will wind up our spider unit with a couple of tests. The next Unit Will be Magnetism.
English: We watched the video The Rainbow Fish. We had a rich discussion about the moral of the story. A project will follow. We are also working on a booklet with interesting adjectives and completing sentences.
Art: We are working on our pumpkin seed project.
Religion: The four parts of Mass.