Wednesday, December 2, 2020

 2nd December 2020

Dear Parents,

Important dates to remember:

Last day of classes        17th December

Advent Celebration       17th Dec.  1pm

What we are doing this month

French:   Reading Comprehension. Grammar such as proper nouns, common nouns and adjectives.  Story writing.

ELA:   Novel Study.  Charlotte's Web  Character Study and Multiple Choice of events in the book.

Math:  We have started addition with regrouping. Please ask your child to show you an example.  Problem solving will be ongoing.

Science: Hot and Cold Unit.  How animals and birds keep warm in winter. Insulation.

Health:  Making responsible choices to keep everyone safe at school.

Religion:  Advent Prayers and activities.

Art:  Inukshuk Project.  Christmas Crafts.

Monday, November 2, 2020

 2nd November 2020

Important Dates to Remember:

Remembrance Day Celebration:  Tuesday 10th November at 10 am.

November 11th:  Remembrance Day   No school

November 20th:  National Child Day   Wear Blue

November 27th   Spirit Theme  Character Day

Information for this month:

French Language Arts:  The children will be working on Reading Comprehension. They are completing their story about La Sorciere using comprehensive vocabulary. For more practice in French you could visit:  and

English Language Arts:  We finished watching The Rainbow Fish. We had an interesting discussion about how a bully who was lonely soon had a lot of friends. The children related this story with their own lives giving examples. We will start the Novel Study Charlotte's Web by E.B. White tomorrow. 

Maths: Addition and Subtraction with two digit numbers will be ongoing. We will also be starting our Patterning Unit and Odd and Even Numbers.  Please do continue to practice Skip Counting by 2's, 5's and 10's at home.

Social Studies:  We will continue studying the people, language and culture of the three communities of Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon.

Science:  We will be starting our new Hot and Cold Temperatures Unit tomorrow.

Religion:   The students will learn about The Apostle's Creed and the Beatitudes.

Art:  The Pumpkin Seed Project is finished. We will start working on the Inukshuks as a major landmark in the North.

Health:  Our new topic will be about Nutrition and Healthy Eating Habits.

Monday, October 5, 2020

 Dear Parents,

Some important dates in October:

October 12th    Thanksgiving   No school for students

October 29th and 30th   Faith Days   No school for students

Curriculum News:

FLA:   New Vocabulary, French Comprehension, Thanksgiving and Halloween Activities, Story writing.

ELA: New vocabulary and expressions based on the book Lost in The North. Making Predictions and reviewing important events.  Interesting adjectives to complete Picture Prompts.

Maths:  Introduction of 3-Digit Numbers, addition and subtraction of 2-Digit numbers ongoing. Problem  Solving will be ongoing.

Science:  We will be starting our new unit on Magnetism.

Social Studies:  The people, language and culture of the three Canadian communities of Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan.

Religion:  We are learning how the Apostles’ Creed describes what Christians believe. We are learning about God’s Laws and Commandments.

Health: Promoting safety for oneself and others with special emphasis on Social Distancing and wearing masks continued. The children require additional reinforcement during these challenging times.

Art: Thanksgiving Art.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Dear Parents,
There are some important dates coming up:

25th Sept.   Opening Mass    This will  be virtual.  We will send you the link soon.

29th September:   Terry Fox Run      This year will look a little different. Individual classes will be participating due to the restrictions.  

30th    Orange Shirt Day.    

We have accomplished so much already. I am SO proud of my students. They are continuing to practice French everyday. During on line learning and during the vacation, the kids were out of touch with French. They are slowly and steadily warming up and doing an amazing job.  Way to go guys!!!

Best regards
Mme Amrita


Friday, September 4, 2020

September 2020 Blog for Parents!


Dear Parents,

We had a great first day in Grade 2 and I can tell that this is going to be a wonderful year! I am looking forward to working with you in your child's educational journey. My main goal as your child's teacher is to instill in them a love of learning and to guide and assist them in reaching their full potential.

What we will be doing this month:

FLA:  Every Monday your child will receive our new French vocabulary words. There will be activities based on these words such as completing sentences, word search and making sentences. Comprehension of a simple text will also be included.

ELA:   Every Monday your child will receive our new English vocabulary words. They will explore interesting adjectives based on picture prompts. 

Social Studies: The students will be investigating the culture and language of an Acadian, an Inuit and a Prairie Community. Using critical thinking skills, they will make a comparison between these three communities and their own community.

Religion:  Our Faith Theme this year is Faith, Hope and Love abide and the greatest of these is Love. The children will work on All About Me and different prayers.

Science: The first Unit will be on Spiders. The children will learn to differentiate between spiders and insects and they will learn the characteristics of different kinds of spiders.

Maths:  The children will work on Number Concepts and they will learn to recognize and apply numbers to 100. They will work on addition and subtraction, skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's and problem solving with personal strategies.

Health: The children will learn about making responsible and informed choices to promote safety for himself/herself and others with a special emphasis on the importance of social distancing and wearing masks.

ART:  The children will learn that Art can be made in different ways using a variety of colours.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions and concerns. I can be reached at

Best regards

Mme Amrita