Wednesday, May 2, 2018

May 2018 Update

Dear Parents, 
I hope that you are all enjoying the warmer weather! Please see the update below for the month of May:

Important Dates and Reminders:

Tuesday, May 8th The Grade 2 classes will be doing Clay for Kids. Having 3 parent-volunteers would be a great assistance for this project. If you are able to help with this, please write a note in your child’s agenda. I will confirm the time with you shortly. 
Tuesday, May 15th one student will be chosen to represent the Grade 2 students for the Gala Oratoire.   
We will be planning to go to Heritage Park on Friday, June 1st and will be needing parent volunteers to join us! Please save the date if you would like to join the Grade 2's for this field trip. More information will be coming soon. 

What will we learn about this month? 

Math: We will continue learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We will also complete our unit on measurement. Problem solving as well as, addition and subtraction practice (specifically with regrouping) will be ongoing until the end of the year. Please practice these skills with your child at home. 
French: We are working on writing stories with a clear beginning, middle and end using descriptive words. Your child can work on these skills at home by using the following websites: and 
English: We are learning how to add details to our stories by using adjectives and descriptive words to write more developed sentences. We will be reading spring poems. 
Science: We will learn about boats and buoyancy and will begin learning about factors that determine effective embarkation.  We are learning how about constructing boats with modeling clay and modifying them to make them float. You can learn more about boats and buoyancy by referring to the following website: 
Social Studies: We will continue learning about the natural resources, goods and services in Iqaluit, Meteghan and Saskatoon. Your child is encouraged to review each community by visiting the website below: 
Religion: We will continue learning about the Eucharist and the parts of the Mass. 
Music: The Grade 2’s will be learning expanding their knowledge on rhythm and will begin creating their own songs.  
Health: I will be sending home a letter in regards to our upcoming health unit, “Kids in the Know". 
When using the Chromebooks, we have been practicing our typing skills on the website: . Your child is more than welcome to practice his/her typing at home as well.   
Please continue reading consistently in French and English at home! 
Thank you
Mme Amrita